
Check out my latest writings, musings and posts below.

I’m Sunya Ananta, a drama therapist in London, and I proudly offer transformative movement and drama-based therapy for individuals of all ages across the UK.

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Desire & Fear

Desire is the memory of pleasure. Fear is the memory of pain.  more  


Our defeats ultimately lead us to our victory.  more  


When in contact with an emotional pain. Go towards the pain until it is painful no more.  more  


It is a real thing to not trust people, and it is a noble thing to not expect yourself to trust.  more  

Oil & Water

Who are you? You are not this gender, or this job, or this profession, or his wife, or his husband.  more  


We are so concerned with being seen in this society; by friends, acquaintances, social media, TV.  more  

I stand for…

Something important to myself and my work - what I stand for and what I do.  more